Applied Cryptography for Decentralized Systems (ACDS)
- Registered students receive news via our Moodle Forum's mail sender.
- Lecture takes place at official timeslots announced in TUMOnline
- No compulsory attendance
Cryptographic Proof Basics
- Hash Functions, Commitment Schemes
- Complexity Theory (NP, IP)
- ZKP Basics
- Sigma Protocols
SNARK Constructions
- Polynomials in Cryptography (Secret Sharing, Polynomial Commitments)
- Arithmetization
- PlonK
SNARK Applications
- Real-world applications
- Circuit programming
- zkVMs
Trusted Execution Environments
- Process and VM based solutions
- Used building blocks
- Performance and use-cases
Secure Multiparty Computation
- Oblivious Transfer
- Garbled Circuits
- Beaver Triples
- BGW and GMW protocols
Recommended subjects:
- Introduction to Computer Networking and Distributed Systems (IN0010)
- Blockchain-based Systems Engineering (IN2359)
- Network Security or IT Security (IN2101)
- Discrete Structures (IN0015)
- Discrete Probability Theory (IN0018)
Lecture Material and Information
Lecture material and up-to-date information is available via Moodle.