
Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Jörn Altmann am 20.07. um 13:00

Es spricht:       Prof. Dr. Jörn Altmann Seoul National University, South Korea http://www.my-groups.de/altmann/?page_id=19 Termin: Montag, den 20.07.09, 13 Uhr Ort:    Raum MI Seminarraum 03.07.023 (MI-Gebäude, Campus Garching, 3. OG, Finger 7) Thema:  Capacity Planning for Cloud Computing Resources Due to the few options of computing resources currently available in the existing market, capacity planning is simple to perform. However, envisioning a market for commercial computing resources as part of a Cloud computing environment, capacity planning will become more complex due to the availability of many different resource types at variable prices. In this situation, the user will require support for handling the capacity planning process and for making use of Cloud computing in a cost-effective manner. The support could come from an online, stand-alone Capacity Planning Service, enabling companies to outsource their capacity planning task. This talk describes the Cloud Capacity Planning Service and demonstrates the workings of the service. This work on capacity planning has been partly performed within the EC-funded project GridEcon, Grid Economics and Business Models. GridEcon introduced the design and implementation of the GridEcon Marketplace, which not only provides the market mechanism for trading computing resources on a pay-per-use basis but also provides an environment for value-added support services for using the Cloud computing market more efficiently. The Marketplace and market mechanism were validated by using the GridEcon Platform, which is a service-oriented platform for composing market scenarios. The talk will also give an overview about the GridEcon Project and its Marketplace. Bio: Jörn Altmann is Associate Professor for Technology Management, Economics, and Policy at Seoul National University, where he heads the group on Computer Network Economics. Prior to this, he taught computer networks at UC Berkeley, worked as a Senior Scientist at Hewlett-Packard Labs, and has been a postdoc at EECS and ICSI of UC Berkeley. Dr. Altmann received his B.Sc. degree, his M.Sc. degree, and his Ph.D. from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Dr. Altmann's current research centres on economics of Internet services and Internet infrastructures, integrating economic models into distributed systems. On these topics, he has major publications, serves on editorial bodies of journals and program committees, chaired international workshops, and has given several invited talks. He also served on review panels for next generation Internet research in Europe and USA.