
Kolloq. Deep Medhi, topic: Optimal Standby Virtual Routers Selection for Node Failures in a Virtual Network Environment

13.3.2014 14: FMI 00.12.019 (MI-Building, Campus Garching). This talk will be held in English


Network virtualization allows flexibility to configure virtual networks in a dynamic manner. In such a setting, to provide resilient services to virtual networks, we consider the situation where the substrate network provider wants to have standby virtual routers ready to serve the virtual networks in the event of a failure. Such a failure can affect one or more virtual routers in multiple virtual networks. The goal of our work is to make the optimal selection of standby virtual routers so that virtual networks can be dynamically reconfigured back to their original topologies after a failure. We present an optimization formulation and a heuristic for this problem. By considering a number of factors, we present numerical studies to show how the optimal selection is affected, and the results showed that the proposed heuristic's performance was close to the optimization model when there are sufficient standby virtual routers for each virtual networks and the substrate nodes have capability to support multiple standby virtual routers to be in service concurrently. We also report on an experimental study with a wide-area virtual network platform.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle
phone: +49 89 289 18030
email: carlenet.in.tum.de