
Price of the Association of German Computer Science Departments for the best Computer Science Thesis awarded to Daniel Hugenroth

Price of the Association of German Computer Science Departments for the best Computer Science Thesis awarded to Daniel Hugenroth

The price of the Association of German Computer Science Departments for the best Computer Science Thesis was awarded to the Thesis

"HRTP: A Broadcast-Based System for Unobservable Internet Telephony"

of Daniel Hugenroth (Technical University of Munich), Advisor Lukas Schwaighofer, Supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle.

The price was handed over to Daniel Hugenroth at the evening reception of the Annual Conference of the German Computer Science Society in Klagenfurt, Austria, on September 28, 2016.

The thesis was selected for this price because of its convincing breadth (formalisation, proof, implementation, validation), depth and originality (unobservable meta-data) and the societal relevance of the topic.

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Daniel Hugenroth HRTP: A Broadcast-Based System for Unobservable Internet Telephony MA Advisor: Lukas Schwaighofer, Supervisor: Prof. Georg Carle 2015