Modul | Network Security (IN2101) | Course | Network Security (Netzsicherheit) | Lecturers | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Ralph Holz | SWS | 4 (3+1) | ECTS Credits | 5.0 | Language | English | Dates | Wednesdays, 14:15-15:45 h in media room 00.13.009A Thursdays, 14:15-15:45 h in media room 00.13.009A
Room change on Thursday Nov 22nd 2012: room 02.09.014.
Exercises will take place at certain time slots of the lectures; these will be announced during the course. | | | Contents | This lecture is an introduction to the field of network security and its fundamental topics like cryptographic operations, threats, and security goals. This is used further as a starting point and requirements for the design of secure networks are discuessed. Modern security protocols in modern network protocols and architectures are presented as well as vulnerabilities in existing systems. | Reader | We provide a reader with additional material you can use to prepare for the exam. Find it here (password-restricted access!). | Registration | For the course: TUMOnline. For the exercises: none necessary! | | | Exams
Post-exam review | Exam has already taken place. Repetition exam will take place on 9 April 2013, 15:30. Location: 5503.EG.350 (MW 0350, Egbert-von-Hoyer-Hörsaal). Watch this space for updates! Language/dictionaries: Exam is in English. Answers may be in English or German. Exchange and foreign students: dictionaries "[Your native tongue] - English" are allowed.
IMPORTANT: The exam is closed-book. All you need, and will be allowed to use, is a pen (not a pencil). In particular, material from the lecture (slide deck, material from tutorial/exercises) is not allowed.
We will offer a joint appointment for post-exam review (Klausureinsicht). This will take place on 8 April 2013, from 15:00 hrs on. If you want to have a look at your graded exam, please send an e-mail to niedermayer, and we'll assign you a slot. You'll have 20 minutes to look at the exam, and it is possible to get a photocopy which you must not redistribute as the copyright lies with us. You are not allowed to make changes to the exam etc. - any such attempt will be treated as fraud. Please note: the review process cannot worsen already assigned grades | Exercises | The purpose of the assignments is to help you deepen your understanding of the subject and get your questions answered. In our experience, students who have done the assignments do also better in the exam later. We thus strongly recommend doing the assignments and also to attend the exercises.
Some assignments will require a Linux environment for programming. We recommend you download our Virtual Machine for Virtualbox (1.7GB) (an Ubuntu 10.04 with necessary software pre-installed). The user is 'netsec' and the password is the same. Change it if you are going to use the machine with a network connection.
Example solutions to the assignments will be provided during exercise hours.
Submission: By mail (holz@in ...).
| Slides | Download the slides as PDF. Current slides will be published in time before presentation. Updates may occur, please check for changes.
Chapter | Version | 1 up | 1. Introduction | 18.10.2012 | PDF | 2a) Symmetric Cryptography | 18.10.2012 | PDF | 2b) Public Key Cryptography | 23.10.2012 | PDF | 2c) Cryptographic Hash Functions | 5.11.2012 (minor correction in Skein description) | PDF | 2d) Random Number Generators | 5.11.2012 | PDF | 3 Cryptographic Protocols (incl. Kerberos) | 22.11.2012 (minor correction removing usage of different names for pasword in Kerberos) | PDF | 4 IPSec | 22.11.2012 | PDF | 5 X.509 PKI | 29.11.2012 | PDF | 6 OpenPGP Web of Trust | 05.12.2012 | PDF | 7 Transport Layer Security | 19.12.2012 | PDF | 8 Link Layer Security | 11.1.2013 (corrected the error in the M' formula) | PDF | 9 Firewall, NAT, and other Middleware | 23.1.2013 (added info about port numbers, minor improvements, bastion host rule set clarified) | PDF | 10 Denial of Service Attacks | 23.1.2013 | PDF | 11 Attack and Intrusion Detection | 23.1.2013 | PDF | 12 WWW Security | 23.1.2013 | PDF | 13 More on issues of the Secure Channel | 13.2.2013 (correct some minor errors and multiple use of "n" for different things) | PDF | 14 DNS Security, System Security, Anonymity (chapter not part of exam) | 8.2.2013 | PDF | | | |